Monday 16 November 2009

Jury Nullification And Maya Evans

There are many articles on the Internet about jury nullification. In summary a jury can return a not-guilty verdict even if in fact the defendant has broken the law, if they feel the law is either immoral or incorrectly applied.

Maya Evans was arrested in London for reading out a list of names of British soldiers killed in Iraq. There is a law preventing demonstrations within a certain distance of Parliament. Maya was given a conditional discharge, but I think that means she was still convicted of something. I'm not exactly sure about the law here.

Could she have requested a jury trial and then instructed the jury about nullification? In this way the public could have had a vote on what exactly they think of the Zanu Nu Labour Government's laws.

It is a pity there are British soldiers in Iraq presumably protecting its citizens from the tyranny of a foreign government, when their citizens need protection from the tyranny of their own government!

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